Immanuel partners with Nelson Ortiz and First Baptist Church in Asuncion, Paraguay, by hosting eyeglass clinics, making home visits, sharing the Gospel through door-to-door evangelism, hosting a Vacation Bible School for children, as well as other community service projects. The goal is to engage communities with practical needs, start small group Bible studies that will eventually turn into home churches, and multiply leaders to plant more house churches and reach more Paraguayans around the Asuncion region. They have planted 5 mission churches throughout the suburbs of Asuncion over the last 15 years.
The Guarani are the most prominent people group in Paraguay, with a population of over 6 million. Though these people are not considered an unreached people group, due to them having multiple access points to the Gospel, many still do not have a relationship with the Lord. Many would consider themselves Christian simply because their ancestors once adhered to some Christian teaching, primarily from colonial Catholicism.
Strategy Leaders:
Libby Bunch
(501) 993-2346
The Guarani are the most prominent people group in Paraguay, with a population of over 6 million. Though these people are not considered an unreached people group, due to them having multiple access points to the Gospel, many still do not have a relationship with the Lord. Many would consider themselves Christian simply because their ancestors once adhered to some Christian teaching, primarily from colonial Catholicism.
Strategy Leaders:
Libby Bunch
(501) 993-2346
Through the life of this partnership, Immanuel has mobilized 78 of our own through 13 different GO Teams and GO Internships. Through these GO efforts, we have served 5,927 people, with 6,368 hearing the Gospel and 1,029 praying to receive Christ. An additional 91 locals have been trained in evangelism and disciple-making. 300 Bibles have also been distributed.